Middle & Senior Adult Ministries

 Join us for a great time of fun and fellowship while diving into the Scriptures to learn and grow together! You will be encouraged, strengthened and equipped through the teachings that will help you in your walk with God. 

The Middle Adult Class meets in the classroom behind the sanctuary at 10 a.m. The Senior Adult Class meets in the Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m.

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Men's & Ladies Fellowship

Do you want to experience authentic, deep relationships with other women? We have many opportunities for you to connect with other ladies and connect over coffee, join a small group and prayer for one another. The ladies meet the second Sunday of each month in the Fellowship Hall at 5 p.m.  

Our Men's ministry is a place to gather for prayer, encouragement and accountability. We have ongoing groups and meetings throughout the year that you can easily get connected to and either begin or continue your journey with Christ! The Men meet on the second Sunday of each month in the Sanctuary at 5 p.m.