What should I expect at St. John's?

Whether you’ve attended church your whole life or never stepped foot in one before, we know it’s not easy visiting a new church for the first time. You’re not quite sure what to expect. You probably have a lot of questions. What does a weekend service look like? How should I dress? Where do I park? How long does the service last? What about my kids? Those are all great questions! Here is some information that should help…  

What time are the services?
We offer Sunday School for all ages at 10 a.m. Our morning worship service is held at 11 a.m. Our Sunday Evening Services begin at 6 p.m., and feature a lot of good singing by children and adults, and preaching. On Wednesday evenings, you’re invited to join us for dinner at 6 p.m., followed by fun-interactive Bible Classes for all ages at 7 p.m.  

What should I wear?
St. John’s is a “come as you are” church and we have a very casual environment. Wear what you feel comfortable in. After all, we are thrilled that you’re joining us, and we want you to be more focused on who you are worshiping than what you’re wearing.  

What is the music like?
Our worship services are lively with talented vocalists and a three-piece band. Our worship services feature great singing from the church hymnal and southern gospel/bluegrass style specials from our choir.  

What are the messages like?
The most important thing we can say is, we aim to teach the Bible in a way that is engaging, understanding, and applicable. Transformation is inseparable from application, so you will find the preaching here always ends in “how does this truth challenge or guide me right where I am?”   

Is there something for my kids?
We want you to feel comfortable and enjoy every second of the service (And we know it’s hard for kids of any age to sit quietly for an hour)! To help you do this we provide fun, safe, age appropriate environments for your children. Your children will love our playground! We strongly encourage parents to take advantage of our children’s ministry.  

Is there something for students?
Yes, our student ministry meets every Sunday night from 5-6 p.m. Our goal is to help students connect with God and each other in an environment that is welcoming and encouraging. A full basketball court is just one of the things we offer for your students to have fun while growing spiritually with their peers.